U2-The Current Architect


The architect is the person that must a very huge diversity in his knowledge he must know the DRAWING because he needs to show a beautiful appearence of his building ,he must know also the GEOMETRY because he must all the type of forms,the ARITHMETIC he must be exact in his measurment,OPTICS lighting both interior and exterior,also the History for knowing the symbolic and spiritual level ,and he also must know PHYSICS because of the management of structure and finally he must have some informations about the climate and relative healthiness.So the architect is a multi-tasks man.

The architect who is combines in his beaing the powers of vision,of imagination,of intellect,of sympathy with human need and the power to interpret them ina language vernacular and tmie is he who shall create poems in stone.
-Louis Sullivan-

Harold Wilson quote : He who rejects change ...


“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

« Architecture begins when the engineering end » Walter Gropius

Good architecture is like a good therapy session, a good marriage, a good poem – gently and almost invisibly allowing you to be you, as flawed and as beautiful as you are.
– Robert Sullivan